Evgeniya M. Bozhko
Started the creative and exhibition activities in 2012. Actively participates in international, all-Ukrainian, regional artistic exhibitions and plein-airs. She was repeatedly awarded the diploma "For the best artwork exhibited at the regional exhibition." Also participated in the II International Art Plein air "Кращий Художник 2018".
Graduated from Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Fine Arts, received a Master's Degree in the field of Fine Arts with honors.
For student's years participated in many All-Ukrainian competitions and olympiads. In particular, she won the "Срібний мольберт 2017" prize in the "Portrait" nomination, and also received a special award from Royal Talens.
In 2016 she became a member of the Odessa regional youth organization of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Already in 2018 she joined Odessa Regional Organization of NUAU.
Works in all genres of painting, mainly by oil paints.