The III International Art Plein Air "Кращий художник/The Best Artist 2019" from June 4 to 15, 2019 will be held in Vinnitsa. His main goal is the formation of the cultural image of Ukraine as a European state, the development of cultural relations, the presentation of the best examples of artistic art, support and encouragement to the creation of artists in Ukraine and the world.
Professional artists from around the world and Ukraine are invited to participate in the Plein Air. The selection of bids will last until May 1, 2019. Today, representatives of the artistic elite of such countries as the USA, China, Poland, Vietnam, India, the United Arab Emirates, Georgia, Moldova, France, Armenia, and Tajikistan expressed their desire to join the competition. They will act as both participants and project partners.
According to the results of selection from 12 to 20 artists will get to the final of the competition. They will have a unique opportunity for almost two weeks in June to be in a purely artistic environment - their own among their own. Every day, artists will work on the best locations of Vinnytsia & nolsp; and Podolya in order to reproduce the picturesque corners of the Ukrainian “golden province” on their canvases.
In addition, as part of the III International Art Plein Air "Кращий художник/The Best Artist 2019", a number of events will be held - art workshops, master classes, exchange of experience, and creative meetings. For the first time, residents and everyone can see the work of the participants on the Day of Vinnitsa, which traditionally takes place on the first Saturday of September.
"For the third year in a row, we have held the International Art Plein Air The Best Artist. The project is developing rapidly - the number of participants who want to take part in the open-air increases, the level and skill of competitive works grows, and then a different attitude towards artists is formed. We hold these plein airs to popularize the art of our artists, to change the attitude to their work as much as possible and to increase the respect for their work. Our task is to discover talents, give an opportunity to learn, develop and popularize our creativity, not only in Ukraine, but also internationally."
- emphasizes the initiator of the International Art Plein Air People's Artist of Ukraine Vladimir Kozyuk.
Within the framework of the project “Кращий художник/The Best Artist”, a number of charity events were held during the year, aimed at both developing creative potential and supporting creative personalities.
I. General provisions
The basis of the artistic plein-air "Кращий художник/The Best Artist" is an initiative of the People’s Artist of Ukraine Volodymyr Kozyuk.
Plein Air is supported by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, the Vinnytsia regional administration, foundations, philanthropists, enterprises, other structures and areas and individual conscious citizens.
II. Goal and main tasks
The purpose of the plein air is to form the image of Vinnitsa as a European city, to popularize Ukraine in the world, to develop cultural potential, to present the best examples of artistic art, to support and encourage the creativity of artists from Ukraine and other countries.
Plein air task
- the preservation and popularization of the best examples of fine art;
- the exchange of experience between artists of different cities and countries;
- the organization of the opening day of creative works;
- the formation of a collection of works of art on the subject of “Picturesque Vinnitsa and its environs” with the aim of further exposition in the museum of the history of Vinnitsa;
- the formation of the aesthetic tastes of city residents on samples of the best works of fine art;
- the relationship of the international creative community through art.
III. Terms of
To participate in the plein-air, professional artists (aged 16 years) from March 4 to April 4, 2019 must submit an application to the email address info@thebestartist.info
to participate in the artistic plein air
"Best Artist"
Last name, first name, middle name:
Address (index)
Contact information (phone, email, links to the site or a link to a page on social networks)
The application must be attached:
Photo 10 works
Note: I consent to the processing of my personal data, including photo works, and their use in print and electronic publications, on websites and video stories and other events aimed at promotion of the plein air and the city by the decision of the organizers.
In the application must be submitted 5-10 photos of the artist's works, as well as his resume.
Types and techniques of work: painting, oil.
After confirmation, artists who will be asked to fill out an electronic application on the website "Кращий художник/The Best Artist" will be given the opportunity to take part in the second round of selection.
The stage for the selection of participants in the open air will take place from April 5 to April 15, 2019.
Based on the submitted applications, the jury will select 12-15 artists who will participate in the open-air.
The jury reserves the right to increase the number of participants in the open air, taking into account the actual number of applications and the level of skill of the submitted works.
Participation in the open air is free.
* For behavior contrary to the rules of the open-air participant can be expelled from the competition.
Objects of artistic interpretation of the contest participants will be cityscapes, historical sites and cultural heritage sites of Vinnytsia and Vinnytsia region.
The duration of the plein-air stage is from June 3 to 15, 2019.
During the open-air, creative workshops, workshops, experience sharing and seminars will be organized where participants and sponsors can implement their ideas and programs.
According to the results of the plein air, a catalog will be published, where each of the participants and each of the patrons of art will be presented.
The organizers of the plein air provide participants with quality accommodation, meals, art materials for the open air, tours and entertainment.
According to the terms of the competition, the open-air participants must transfer two works, with their copyright, 60x80 in size, chosen by the organizing committee to the fund of the project The Best Artist (one to the Vinnitsa History Museum, or for another use, the second for project patrons).
Accommodation and the final gala concert with the award winners will be held in the entertainment complex "Gosteviya". Organizers, patrons of arts, members of the jury, accredited media and partners will be invited to the finals of the competition free of charge; For all, there is a paid entrance fee (ticket price from UAH 3,500 to 5,000), funds from purchased tickets will be sent to charity.
According to the results of the Plein Air, final art exhibitions will be organized in the Cultural Center "Gallery XXI" and on the Independence Square of Vinnitsa on the City Day. And also in other locations of the Ukrainian cultural space.
IV. Determining the winners of the plein air. Awards.
All works will be judged by a jury composed of leading Ukrainian and world artists, art historians, representatives of the organizers and partners of the open-air.
The jury session is closed. The decision of the jury takes place by open voting, approved by the protocol.
The decisions of the jury are final and not subject to revision.
The composition of the current competition commission:
- Minister of Culture of Ukraine Yevgeny Nishchuk;
- Deputy Minister of Culture Tamara Mazur;
- Director General of the National Museum "Kiev Art Gallery", Honored Artist of Ukraine Yuri Vakulenko (chairman of the jury);
- Director of the National Art Museum of Ukraine Yulia Litvinets;
- Full Member, Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Academician-Secretary of the Fine Arts Department of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Head of the Graphic Arts Department of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Secretary of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, People's Artist of Ukraine Vasily Yevdokimovich Perevalsky;
- Volodymyr Kozyuk, People’s Artist of Ukraine, Chairman of The Best Artist public organization;
- Chairman of the Armenian National Union of Artists Karen Aghamyan;
- art historian, general director of the National Museum of Architecture and Life, Oksana Poväkel;
- deputy of the regional council Lyudmila Stanislavenko;
- curator of the Ukrainian National Museum in Chicago, Maria Klimchak, editor of the Ukrainian Wave radio program (Chicago);
- Chairman of the Creative Union of “Theater Unions of Georgia” Georgy Gegechkori;
- General Director and Artistic Director of the Lviv National Opera and Ballet Theater, People’s Artist of Ukraine Vasyl Vovkun;
- General Director of the NTsNK "Ivan Gonchar Museum" Peter Gonchar;
- Svetlana Dolesko, general director of the Center for Ukrainian Culture and Art;
- Chairman of the Board of the Charity Fund "Art Treasury" Tatiana Logush;
- Director General of the National Museum of Art of Moldova Tudor Zbirnya;
- Chairman of the Board of the International Public Organization of Ukraine and China "LanHua" Yuriy Kotik;
- Director of the Department of Culture of the Vinnytsia City Council Maxim Filanchuk;
- head of the editorial board of the national project "Ukrainian Book of Records" Oleg Ivanenko;
- Vice Chairman of Gansu Province Culture (China) Pan Ikui;
- director of the Ukrainian School in Paris, owner of the residence "Castle of the Arts in Normandy" Elena Mistal;
- director of the publishing house "Rodovid" Lidia Likhach;
- The head of the European Association for the 'Promotion of the Preservation of the World’s Artistic and Cultural Heritage "Association" Conservation de l'Héritageculturel et artistique mondial "Dmitry Litkevich;
- Director of Ukraine International Media-Culture Company Liu Yudan;
- founder of the Golden Bird song festival for children and young people with disabilities, owner of the Ukrainian RUTA brand and XXI gallery Lyudmila Bushinskaya;
- Igor Ilchishen, owner of the Kimberli jewelry house;
- Deputy Chairman of the public organization "Кращий художник/The Best Artist", art historian Alexei Zhadeyko;
- Ambassador of Culture and Art of Palestine in the world, Doctor of Art History Jamal Badwan;
- Director of the Museum of Ukrainian Diaspora Oksana Pidsukha.
All participants of the plein air "Кращий художник/The Best Artist" will be awarded with diplomas, valuable gifts and other marks of distinction from the plein air partners.
The results of the Plein Air will be announced at the ceremony of awarding the plein air participants during the final show on June 14.
The winners will receive a special award "Кращий художник/The Best Artist", made from precious metals by the Kimberley jewelry house.
In the awarding format, the winners of the competition also provide for the an independent prize named after Gegamyan Valery Arutyunovich.
There are many other innovations and surprises for the project participants.
V. Financing
The organization and conduct of the plein air is carried out at the expense of the city budget and other means not prohibited by the current legislation of Ukraine.
The logos and names of patrons and partners will soon be made public on all promotional products.
Results of the plein air 2018
We remind you that last year in June an unprecedented event took place in the artistic life of Vinnitsa, Podolya, Ukraine - the II International artistic plein air "The best artist".
The purpose of the plein air was to form the image of Vinnitsa as a European city, to popularize Ukraine in the world, to develop cultural potential, to present the best examples of artistic art, to support and encourage the creative work of artists from Ukraine and other countries.
Achieving the goal of the plein air provided for the implementation of a number of tasks: to ensure the exchange of experience between artists from different cities and countries; organize the opening day of creative works; to form a collection of works of art on the theme “Picturesque Vinnitsa and its environs” for the exposition in the Museum of the History of Vinnitsa; to influence the formation of the aesthetic tastes of city residents on samples of the best works of fine art; to ensure the interconnection of the international creative community through art; support the international project "Golden Bird".
Based on the submitted applications, the jury members selected 20 finalist artists from eight countries of the world. They are: Avaz Sharipov (Uzbekistan), Anna Susharnik (Kamenets-Podolsky, Ukraine), Anton Kovach (Uzhgorod, Ukraine), Valery Shmatko (Kharkov, Ukraine), Vladimir Svachy (Lvov, Ukraine), David Ivanishvili (Georgia), Dmitry Kravets (Kamenets-Podolsky, Ukraine), Evgenia Bozhko (Odessa, Ukraine), Zhanibek Suyunbekov (Kyrgyz Republic), Zakir Sabirov (Tajikistan), Zlata Shishman (Ismail, Ukraine), Karen Agamyan (Armenia), Lyudmila Koval (Tulchin, Ukraine) , Mikhail Spornik (Odessa, Ukraine), Nazariy Tretyak, Nelli Kirman (Kharkov, Ukraine), Elena Leitner (Kiev, Ukraine) , Olesya Rybchenko (Kiev, Ukraine), Svetlana Soroka (Vinnitsa, Ukraine), Li Shaotin (China), who became participants of the open-air competition.
Invited artists - participants of the open-air - painted cityscapes of Vinnitsa and Bar, historical sites and cultural heritage sites of Vinnitsa & Vinnitsa region from 5 to 14 June 2018. Types and technique of works: painting, oil, ink, watercolor. Rewarding and presentation of works of artists took place on August 14, 2018 in the restaurant of the country complex of entertainment and recreation "Gosteviya".
The jury determined the best artists who were awarded distinctions, orders, medals, diplomas, cash prizes and valuable gifts.
In the nomination "Кращий художник"
I nomination - Valery Shmatko (Kharkov);
II nomination - Zlata Shishman (Ishmael);
III nomination - Oles Rybchenko (Kiev);
In the nomination “The best artist”
I nomination - Zhanibek Suyunbekov (Kyrgyz Republic);
II nomination - Zakir Sabirov (Tajikistan);
The winner of the Valery Geghamyan Prize was Anton Kovach.
The novelty of last year’s project season was the holding of personal exhibitions of paintings by famous artists of the world. And at the end of the open-air was held a large-scale exhibition of the works of participants. For the general public, the exposition was presented on Independence Day and the City Day on the main square of Vinnitsa, the final exposition was held in Vinnitsa "Gallery XXI".