Alisher Alikulov
Alisher Alikulov was born in 1966 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
He first developed his artistic skills at the Republican School of Art named under V. Petrov and Mr. Umarov in his hometown (1983-1987).
Then He joined the K. Bekhzod National Institute of Art and Design in order to pursue his art studies under curating G. Kadirov and R. Khudaybergenov.
As his diploma work, in 1995, Alikulov presented a mural painted inside the Institute, entitled "Collapse of the Great Empire."
As of 1995, Alikulov began creating monumental mural paintings for various institutions (ministries, museums, banks, etc.) in Uzbekistan, which significantly contributed to his important artistic reputation.
These include, among others, two monumental frescoes, "Garden of Paradise" and "Royal Hunt" at the "Alpomish" Sports Palace Hall (1995) in Tashkent. Then "The Great People of Uzbekistan" found in the lobby of the administration building of the City Hall of Tashkent (1999), or the fresco "Popular Uprising" at the Museum of the People’s History of Uzbekistan (2000), as well as the one at the State History Museum entitled "Amir Temur in World History" (2002).
In 1996, Alikulov participated in the exhibition dedicated to the 660th anniversary of Amir Temur held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.
The following year, he was elect member of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan. In 2000, he held his first solo exhibition at the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Washington D.C., (U.S.A.). The same year, he was elect member of the International Association of Writers and Artists in Ohio (U.S.A.). In 2001, he received the Gold Medal of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, and in 2003 received the title "Honored Art Worker."
Alisher Alikulov works can found in public and private collections in Uzbekistan, and in the U.S.A., but also in Europe, Asia and Africa.