Julia Winter (Netherlands)
Born 1965 in Moscow, Russia. Lives in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
I combine the images of two faces. Behind each individual appearance a layered complex of personal characteristics is hidden. And by transforming these images of faces I challenges the beholder to revise its first judgement that is just based on the exterior. Being an emigrant myself and by traveling all over the world I experience how easy prejudices and clichés about the other can occur. Based on these experiences I use combinations of different worlds or opposites like male-female, past - present or guilt and innocence. The works result in a poetic and surprising imaginary that is executed in a highly individualistic and unique vocabulary.
Recent major exhibitions
Ferbeke Foundation, Kemzeke (BE), Gallery RonLangArt , Amsterdam (NL), Gallery Onetwentyeight, New York, (NY), Tsaritsyno Museum, Moscow (RU), Eileen S. Kaminsky Foundation Recidency (NJ), Paviljoen Welgelegen, Haarlem (NL), Hermitage Museum, Amsterdam (NL), Museum Jan van der Togt, Amstelveen (NL), Museum Van Bommel van Dam, Venlo (NL), Art Chapel, Amsterdam, (NL) Stedelijk Museum, Kampen (NL), Center for Contemporary Art, Winzavod, Moscow(RU), Neuberger Museum of Art, New York (NY), Villa Empain, Brussels (Be), Other Gallery, Beijing (China), Lena & Roselli Gallery, Szentendre (Hungary), Art Gallery Erwin Seppi, Meran (Italy), Persmuseum, Amsterdam (NL), Gemak, The Hague (NL), Museum of Modern Art, Moscow (RU), Art Gallery + Museum, Cheltenham (England), Museum Liner Kunsthalle, Appenzell, ( Switzerland ), Fabbrica del Vapore , Milan (Italy).