Kiev -2021
General Provisions
The initiative to create and hold an international art competition belongs to the organizers of "The Best Artist" award, which has already been held for many years in Ukraine, and to a number of artists and cultural professionals from more than 20 countries.
Competition Organizers
Vladimir Kozyuk, the People’s Artist of Ukraine, the Board Chairman of the Social Organization “The Best Artist” (Ukraine);
Alexei Zhadeyko, the Board Chairman of the «Fund named after V.A. Gegamyan”, art expert.
The Aim of the Competition
The aim of the competition is to develop contemporary art, expand its scientific space, present and support leading contemporary artists, as well as the overall development of the world cultural space.
The Main Competition Objectives
The presentation and popularization of the best samplings of the contemporary world art, experience exchange between the artists from all over the world, organization of the vernissage, creation of the platform for the formation of collections of art works, expansion of international creative and artistic relationships, formation of a digital platform for collections of art works of abstract and sciarsist art, introducing modern viewers to the samplings of the best works of contemporary art, abstractionism and sciarsism, as well as scientific and philosophical works in the field of art, publication of catalogues, books and movie making.
The General Provisions of the Competition
The competition is held from April 15 to August 20. Based on the submitted applications, the jury will select 10–20 finalists who will participate in the next projects and exhibitions. The jury reserves the rights to increase the number of participants in the final, taking into account the actual number of applications and the level of skills of the submitted works. The participation in the competition is free of charge.
Besides that, the works of famous masters in the field of the contemporary art, abstractionism and sciarsism will be presented out of competition in the section “Invited Guests”.
Within the framework of the event, the forum will be arranged, including: exhibitions, scientific conference, creative workshops, master classes, exchange of artistic experience, training seminars, partnership programs, competition final.
Based on the results of the competition, a virtual and printed catalogue will be published, the information will be reflected in Wikipedia.
The competition finalists submit one work to the project fund for the organization of the following exhibitions, disposition in museum collections, interaction with partner galleries and patrons of art.
In order to develop contemporary art in the sciarsism nomination, the additional prizes are introduced, the finalists will be invited to submit two works to the project fund, including the international exhibitions.
The organizers, philanthropists, jury members, accredited news media and partners will be invited to the competition final.
Based on the competition results it is planned to arrange the final art exhibitions at various world exhibition venues.
The winners will get special awards as well as the right to participate in museum exhibitions and post pictures digital copies on the virtual platforms Blockchain.
The competition finalists will be awarded with commemorative signs, diplomas and valuable gifts.
In the format of awarding the competition winners the independent awards are also provided.
Logos, names of patrons of art and partners will be published on all promotional products.
For rude behavior, disrespect to other participants, for actions and behavior contrary to the rules of the competition, the participant may be expelled.
Competition Structure
The competition consists of two rounds. The first is from April 15 to June 30 (application submission). After confirming the artist's entry into the second round, he will be sent a notification that he has moved to the second round with a link to his works posted on the voting platforms. Participants of the Sciarsism competition can get acquainted with the theory of Sciarsism on the website: dozhd.world
The second competition round will be within the period of June 30 to July 10.
The contestants can create their own fan zones and independent voting platforms, which will give additional points in the general voting. More details can be found below at the link: Громадська організація «Кращий художник»
The final action: the opening of the exhibition, meeting with the jury members, a scientific conference and rewarding will take place in the city of Kiev from 18 to 20 August 2021.
The Competition Committee
- Yuriy Vakulenko, Director General of the National Museum “Kiev Art Gallery”, Honored Arts Worker of Ukraine (chairman of judges).
- Yuliia Litvinets, Director General of the National Art Museum of Ukarine.
- John Varoli – American journalist (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, magazine Transitions, New York Times, The International Herald Tribune, Bloomberg News, The Art Newspaper, Sothebyʼs, Christieʼs).
- Vladimir Kozyuk, the People’s Artist of Ukraine, the Board Chairman of the Social Organization “The Best Artist”.
- Sergey Dozhd, painter, art expert, Doctor of Philosophy in the History of Art, the founder of the theory «Sciarsism».
- Regina Khidekel, art expert, art critic, art projects curator, Doctor Of Philosophy In The History Of Art, the founder of the Lazar Khidekel Society (USA).
- Mark Khidekel, art expert, art critic, Lazar Khidekel Society (USA).
- Vladimir Andreyev, the founder of the Artists Association «Art of Inspiration», (USA).
- Iwona Malewicz, art projects curator, the founder of “SUPREMUS NEUVEAU”, Representative for Kazimierz Malewicz family (Germany)
- C. Raman Schlemmer, The Oskar Schlemmer Theatre Atchives.
- Robert Harris Rothschild, philanthropist, art expert, Doctor of Philosophy in the History of Art, collector (USA).
- Margo Grant, Director of the State Museum of the Contemporary Art MoRA (USA).
- Tudor Zbirnya, Director General of the National Museum of Art of Moldova (Moldova).
- Svetlana Dolesko, Director General of the Ukrainian Culture and Art Center.
- Ostap Kovalchuk, Honored Art Worker of Ukraine, pro-rector of the National Academy of Visual Arts and Architecture.
- Oksana Mas, artist, humanist, philosopher, urbanist, philosopher, theorist and art promoter (Spain).
- Olivier de Cayron, artist, curator of the exhibition “Contemporary Art Manifestation в Porte d 'Auteuil Paris” (France).
- Ulrike Bolenz, artist, Art Academy Cassela (Belgium).
- Elena Iosilevich - Seroff, gallery “Artios” (USA).
- Pan Ikui, worker of culture (China)
- Kotaro Fukui, artist of modern and contemporary art (Japan).
- Oksana Povyakel, art expert, Director General of the National Museum of Architecture.
- Petr Gonchar, Director General of the National Center of Folk Culture “Ivan Honchar Museum”.
- Oksana Pidsukha, director of the Museum of the Ukrainian Diaspora.
- Alexei Zhadeyko, the Board Chairman of the «Fund named after V.A. Gegamyan”, art expert.
- Dukhovnikov Andrey Erikhovich, director of the Vitebsk Center for Contemporary Art, member of the Belarusian Union of Artists.
Competition Terms
To participate in the competition professional artists, scientists and cultural workers must submit the application from April 15, 2021 to June 15, 2021 to the email address: info@thebestartist.info
Application to participate in the art competition "The Best Artist in the Field of Contemporary Art, Abstractionism and Sciarsism"
Last name, first name, middle name,
Address (zip code),
Contact information (phone, email, links to the website or to pages in social networks).
You must attach to the application:
Photo of 1 to 10 pictures (artists), text of scientific work in the field of contemporary art (scientists up to 10 pages), CV, personal photo and short biography.
The organizers may ask you to provide the evidence of the work creation in controversial cases (photos or a short video confirming your authorship are sent).
Note: it is needed to provide your consent to the processing of personal data in any form, including works used in various publications, on websites, in videos and other options.
There should be signature scan and date in the application. .
Additional information: The application must indicate the size, material and technique of artwork.
The Competition Head
Vladimir Kozyuk