Carsten Wieland, Germany
At the end of 2014 I came into contact with watercolor painting for the second time in my life and since then it has not let me go. The impressions of a trip to the USA inspired me to pick up the brush again. I've been painting every day since 2016 – and my enthusiasm for watercolor grows with every picture I paint. Since 2017 I have participated in exhibitions at home and abroad.
Until 1990 he studied graphic design at the GHS Essen
1991 - 2011 Hamburg: Freelance work as a graphic designer in the fields of illustration, animation, comics, game design, as well as various book and film projects
2011 - 2014 Intensive work with stereoscopy (3D photography)
Since 2015: Intensive occupation with watercolor painting, participation in various juried exhibitions in Europe, workshops, books, films and painting demonstrations. First solo exhibition
2018 First public painting demonstration in front of an international audience "FabrianoInAcquarello" / member - DAG/GWS German Watercolor Society / film series "Rhapsody of Flowing Colors" YOUTUBE
2019 "Representative artist" at the international watercolor festival "FabrianoInAcquarello"
Since 2021 Country Leader / Country Admin "FabrianoInAcquarello"
2019: Workbook: Watercolor1
2020: The Beauty of Abandoned Places – Watercolors 2016-2020
2020: Watercolor Sketchbook Vol.1 / Vol.2
2021: Workshop: Watercolor1
2021: Watercolors In Minutes
2021: Workbook: Aquarell2 / Workshop: Watercolor2
Painted with tears: Putin's Legacy – The only thing he will be remembered for is mass murder and destruction!
Watercolor/Hahnemühle «Allegretto»
43 cm x 61 cm
Lukas Aquarell 1862-paints – LukasFarben