Svitlana Brinyuk, Ukraine
- Was born in 21.12.1968 in Odessa, Ukraine
- 1989 graduated from Odessa art school to them M. B. Grekova, art-designe faculty
- 1996 graduated from Ukrainian Academy of Fine Art, fine art faculty, workshop of professor Gurin, Kiev.
- Since 2012 member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine
- 2012 - Biennale "Color Fest", III Prize, Minsk, Belarus.
- 2017 - «International prize for galleries and choice of professionals of art 2017», bronze medal, category «surrealism, symbolism», Mondial Art Academia
- Since 2017-2022 member and ambassador of Mondial Art Academia in Ukraine.
- 2019 - Winner of the Serhiy Shyshko Kyiv Art Prize (in the field of fine arts).
- 2020 - Winner of the KONUAU "Artist" award named after Fedor Krychevsky (painting section).
Since 1986 Participant of regional, republican, all-Union and international exhibitions.
Personal exhibitions passed in Ukraine, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia.
Artwork were bought by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine.
Artworks are in Vatican; National Museum "Kyiv Art Gallery" (formerly: Kyiv National Museum of Russian Art), Kyiv, Ukraine; Berdyansk Art Museum named after II Brodsky, Berdyansk, Ukraine; Odessa Museum of Contemporary Art, Odesa, Ukraine; Museum of the History of the City of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine; Odessa Art Museum, Odesa, Ukraine; Odessa Literary Museum, Odesa, Ukraine; Fastiv Museum of Local Lore, Fastiv, Ukraine; «Museum Haus am Chickpoint Charlie» Berlin, Germany, «The Endy Warhol Museum of Modern Art» Medzilaborec, Slovakia and in private collections of Ukraine, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania and etc.
Іди, іди дощику
полотно, акрил, олія
Янголи не сплять
полотно, олія
120 cm х 100 cm
полотно, олія
Янгол що падає
30 cm х 42 cm
Україна вставай!
полотно, олія
80 cm х 100 cm
Коли твій янгол-охоронець поряд
полотно, олія
100 cm х 80 cm
Крик архангела
Aart-project Screem, stop war in Ukraine
полотно, акрил, олійна пастель
100 cm х 80 cm
Мої охоронці під час повітряної тривоги
полотно, акрил, олія
40 cm х 50 cm