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Responsible Parenting Award Winners

Лауреати відзнаки «За відповідальне батьківство» 2021 #2066193082

Among the winners of the Distinction are parents who take care of orphans, spiritual parents - teachers, coaches, artists who not only raised their own children, which increase the glory of Ukraine, but also raise hundreds of their students, pupils, spectators and listeners.

For responsible parenthood

Вечірня імпреза до Дня батька

Awarding the annual award "For Responsible Parenthood" for Father's Day. June 17, 2021, Kyiv, Consistory of Sophia of Kyiv.

Grand Prix Kyiv

Grand Prix Kyiv афіша

Громадська Організація «Кращий Художник/The Best Artist» у 2021 році долучилась до проведення наймасштабнішого балетного конкурсу України Grand Prix Kyiv 2021

"Charms" 2021

«Обереги» 2021

Artists from different parts of Ukraine came to Vinnytsia to take part in the all-Ukrainian art plein air "Oberehy". From April 19 to 27, they will recreate the most prominent places of Vinnytsia region on their canvases