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Modern Art

Iryna Fedorenko

Ірина Федоренко 2021 Непортрет 4
Художник Ірина Федоренко

Iryna Fedorenko (SEMIRA) is a contemporary Ukrainian artist and art critic.

Olga Tsybulya

Ольга Цибуля 2021 #928285746
Художник Ольга Цибуля

Olga Tsybulya (Ukraine). Works in Art-studio "Creative kitchen", Lviv.

Alina Khrapchynska

Аліна Храпчинська 2021 #91397860
Художник Аліна Храпчинська

Ukrainian artist, painter, graphic artist, teacher. Winner of the international open-air competition "Best Artist 2020"

Dmytro Kravets

Дмитро Кравець 2021 #1149763717
Художник Дмитро Кравець

Entropy, color theory, texture and composition are at the core of my abstract artwork, placing me in the realm of abstract expressionism.

Serhiy Maksymchuk

Сергій Максимчук 2021 Велеса крила
Художник Сергій Максимчук

The series "Beyond the Human" is created at the level of the universe – the soul outside the body. Therefore, there are not so many such works. One picture is created from several months to several years.

Louis Schlumberger

Луї Шлюмберже 2021 Covid19? Mars!
Художник Луї Шлюмберже

With my approach to art, I will never be able to bring the theory of sciarsism to a perfect perfection, because the great nothing is unfathomable.

Olga Sabadin

Ольга Сабадін 2021 Блуждающая луна
Художник Ольга Сабадін

I draw my natchnennya from the rise, splitting from people, robots from children ...