The Best in Contemporary Art
The results of the First International Competition in the field of Contemporary Art, Kyiv, Museum of the History of Kyiv, September 10th, 2021.
The results of the First International Competition in the field of Contemporary Art, Kyiv, Museum of the History of Kyiv, September 10th, 2021.
International Scientific Conference "Art: Metamorphoses and Discourses", Kyiv, September 9-10, 2021
Award ceremony of the winners of the International Competition "The Best Artist in the Field of Contemporary Art, Abstraction and Sciarsism" and the opening of the report exhibition. Museum of the History of the City of Kyiv, September 10, 2021.
The Opening of the First in Ukraine Collective Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Abstractionism and Sciarsism, September 3rd, 2021, Vinnytsia Regional Art Museum.
I believe in my works as a radiance, as my breakthrough, as an exit to the high steps of the world space, which will allow humanity to take a step towards the victory of Good over Evil.
The evaluation stage by the jury members and admirers of the works of the contest participants "The best artist in the field of contemporary art, abstractionism and sciarcism" is over
The most important and valuable things in my life were the people I met and studied with.
Graphic artist, painter, monumental artist.
Neal is passionate about art, art history and am interested in a career in museums
Troy started started experimenting with digital imaging encouraged by his architect father, since early teenage years.
In the works of Maryna Vaschenko, the influence of the environment in which she grew up is noticeable and which prompted the choice of both the subject matter of the works and the technique of performance.
Behind each individual appearance hides a multi-layered set of personal characteristics.